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Posted 2022-07-03 14:06:45 by Admin
IMISCOE 2022 OpeningPlenary
IMISCOE 2022 Opening Plenary (Credit: IMISCOE)

On 29 June - 1 July 2022, QuantMig project partner PRIO co-organised the the 19th Annual Conference of the IMISCOE network of European migration researchers, which took place in a hybrid form, on the OsloMet campus in Oslo, as well as online.

At the conference, QuantMig project was very strongly represented. Jakub Bijak took part in the opening plenary and gave a talk on "The Temporal Turn in Migration Studies: A Quant View". The programme also featured four contributed talks by the QuantMig team. In Session 76 on New Socio-Demographic Data in the Study of Migration and Asylum, Georgios Aristotelous presented a methodological paper on "Extending the Integrated Model of European Migration". In Session 117 on Reconceptualisations of EU Migration Policy and Governance, Federica Zardo gave a conceptual presentation on "European migration governance in the context of uncertain migration futures".

In Sessions 59, on Functions of Migrant Flows in European Labour Markets, and 106, on Educational Trajectories in Migration and Post-Migration Contexts, Michaela Potančoková and Guillaume Marois presented two papers with results of micro-simulation modelling of labour market and educational outcomes of migration processes, respectively entitled "Simulations of labour force integration of diversifying immigrant stock and its impact on European labour force" and "Estimates of educational attainment of different immigrant groups in Europe".

Many congratulations and thanks to the whole Organising Committee, and in particular to our QuantMig colleagues, Marta Bivand Erdal, Jørgen Carling and Tone Sommerfeldt from PRIO, for a very stimulating and thought-provoking conference!


This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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