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Posted 2024-01-26 18:14:53 by Admin

Journal title pagesIn the last few months of 2023, the QuantMig team has published five research articles from all across the project. Two papers relate to the empirical basis of migration studies and scenarios. In "Surveys on migration aspirations, plans and intentions: A comprehensive overview", published in Open Research Europe, Mathilde Bålsrud Mjelva and Jørgen Carling have summarised their review of the evidence base on migration aspirations, based on the work carried out in Work Package 2. In turn, in "Experts' assessments of migration scenarios between the Middle East & North Africa and Europe", published in Scientific Data, Michaël Boissonneault and Rafael Costa have reported on the results of the factorial survey experiment carried out in Work Package 7.

In addition, three papers report results of various strands of analysis carried out within QuantMig. In "Categorical and spatial interlinkages within the European migration policy mix", which has appeared in European Union Politics, Mathias Czaika, Heidrun Bohnet and Federica Zardo look at how various European migration policies have been linked between countries and policy categories, as well as over time, drawing from their work in Work Package 5. In "Demographic and labor force impacts of future immigration flows into Europe: Does an immigrant’s region of origin matter?", which appeared in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Guillaume Marois, Michaela Potancoková and Miguel González-Leonardo present selected results of their migration scenarios constructed in Work Package 7. Last but not least, in a paper that appeared in World Development at the very beginning of 2024, Valentina Di Iasio and Jackie Wahba discuss their empirical analysis of "The Determinants of Refugees' Destinations: Where do refugees locate within the EU" based on their work on this topic in Work Package 3.

All these papers - and many other ones - are listed on the Other Publications page of the QuantMig website.



This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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