QuantMig Scenario Survey
The QuantMig Team are happy to announce that we are launching the QuantMig Survey. This online survey will help us unravel how migration flows between Europe and the Middle East and North Africa might evolve over the next decade. During the coming weeks, we are going to contact professionals working not only within academia, but also governmental and non-governmental organisations, to ask them to share their expertise via the survey. More specifically, we use innovative survey methods to find out how demographic, cultural, political and economic drivers of migration may play a role in shaping not only future migrant flows, but also the circumstances in which migration will occur. For more information about the survey and how to participate, please contact Michaël Boissonneault or Rafael Costa at quantmig@nidi.nl.
This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.