Open Data
The QuantMig Open Data Repository is available on Zenodo
Determinants of Refugees destinations - data
Di Iasio, Valentina; Wahba, Jackline;
This folder contains the data on access to social security and months of ban from the labor market used in the article: Di Iasio, V. and Wahba, J. (2022) The determinants of Refugees' Destinations: Where do Refugees Locate within the EU? QuantMig Project Deliverable D3.4.
MCMC simulations from the posterior distributions of European migration flows
Smith, Peter William Frederick; Aristotelous, Georgios;
This folder contains three RData files each containing MCMC simulations from the posterior distributions of a Bayesian hierarchal model used to estimate European migration flows, developed as part of the project Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig,;
R script to download and pre-process Eurostat migration data
Smith, Peter William Frederick; Aristotelous, Georgios;
This R script was written by Georgios Aristotelous in October 2020 to download and pre-process Eurostat migration data, contained in the file migr_imm5prv, to be used in the Bayesian hierarchal model to estimate European migration flows, developed as part of the project Quantifying Migration Scenarios
QuantMig microsimulation population projection model and migration scenarios for 31 European countries
Michaela Potancokova; Guillaume Marois; Miguel Gonzalez Leonardo;
This open data deposit contains the data and model code of QuantMig-Mic microsimulation population projection model for 31 European countries and accompanies deliverables D8.3: Model outputs for dissemination and D8.1: Microsimulation projection model.
DEMIG-QuantMig Migration Policy Database
Mathias Czaika;
The DEMIG-QuantMig Migration Policy Database tracks more than 7'600 migration policy changes enacted by 31 European (EU and non-EU) countries for the period 1990 to 2020. This database extendeds and updates the DEMIG POLICY database.
Simulation of international migration with individual preferences and immigration quota: Data and code
Frans Willekens;
The folder contains a dataset and code for the revised version of the report Simulation of international migration with individual preferences and immigration quota. QuantMig Deliberable D2.4. January 2022. The R code files are in the folder "Code".
Expecting Brexit and UK migration: Should I go? - Replication file
Di Iasio, Valentina; Wahba, Jackline;
This folder contains the data and codes used for the article: Di Iasio, V. and Wahba, J. (2023) Expecting Brexit and UK migration: Should I go? European Economic Review, 157:104484.
Overview of surveys on migration aspirations, plans, and intentions.
Mathilde Balsrud Mjelva; Jorgen Carling;
This is a dataset of metadata on surveys. It is the first comprehensive overview of existing survey data on migration aspirations, plans and intentions, with recorded metadata on geographic and temporal coverage, survey population, sample size, and other characteristics.
Could we have seen it coming? Towards an early warning system for asylum applications in the EU
Barker, Emily R; Bijak, Jakub;
Data and files for Barker E.R. and Bijak J (2022) Could we have seen it coming? Towards an early warning system for asylum applications in the EU [V1.1]. QuantMig Project Deliverable D9.3. University of Southampton. Included is a full data description file.
European migration scenarios with probabilistic uncertainty assessment – Data Description
Jakub Bijak;
This open data deposit contains the data and code accompanying used in the report: Bijak (2023): European migration scenarios with probabilistic uncertainty assessment, QuantMig Project Deliverable D9.4. The cover note should be read in conjunction with the report, available via
Uncertainty in Migration Scenarios. QuantMig Project Deliverable D9.2 Data Description
Emily Barker; Jakub Bijak;
This open data deposit contains the data and code accompanying used in the report: Barker and Bijak (2021), Uncertainty in Migration Scenarios, QuantMig Project Deliverable D9.2. The cover note should be read in conjunction with the report, available via
Migration Data Inventory Records
Akira Soto Nishimura; Jarl Mooyaart;
This inventory includes metadata on various quantitative sources of information on migration that can be used for modelling purposes. Documentation: Instructional video: How to cite.
Migration Drivers Data Inventory Records
Akira Soto Nishimura;
This inventory includes metadata on various quantitative sources of information on migration drivers that can be used for modelling purposes. Additionally, the inventory includes information on articles that used those quantitative sources such as the statistical effect found in their analysis.
QuantMig survey on the future of migration between Europe and the Middle East & North Africa
Boissonneault, Michael; Costa, Rafael;
Data generated by the QuantMig survey on the future of migration between Europe and the Middle East & North Africa, based on the assessment of 138 migration experts. Detailed information about the survey can be found in: Boissonneault, M., Costa, R. and de Valk, H.A.G. (2022).
A timeline of freedom of movement in the European Economic Area
Barker, Emily;
Data accompanying Barker, Emily (2021) The expansion of the European Labour Market Available, and the short paper: Barker, Emily (2022) A timeline of freedom of movement in the European Economic Area, Open Research Europe, 2: 133.
This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.